Surplus II Hazardous Material & Building Removal . . . . . . COMPLETED
The Seaside II Surplus Area was transferred directly from the U.S. Army to the City of Seaside (City) in 2005. The City explored a series of options in an attempt to reuse and/or rehabilitate the buildings on the site for 10+ years. The City determined the buildings are un-usable because:
- They contain lead, asbestos and other hazards.
- They do not meet structural code requirements.
- Reuse costs more than building new.
As a result, the Fort Ord Reuse Authority (FORA) used funds from the sale of former Fort Ord property to remove 20 buildings for public safety, and future economic development.
Future of the Surplus II Area
The City of Seaside is seeking your help in designing the new Campus Town Specific Plan. In fact, they want your help so much that they will be having a week-long effort to develop an innovative and inspiring plan for this project!
Visit Seaside’s website for more information about the Future of the Surplus II area. www.ci.seaside.ca.us/281/Major-Development-Projects