
The public agency known as FORA has dissolved and no longer exists. This is an archive of their prior website, presented as an informational website only, and is retained exclusively for reference, research, or recordkeeping.
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ALERT: Updated materials available. See Attachments below.

Hazardous Material and Building Removal Project No. S201-RFQ3

Request for Qualifications

The Fort Ord Reuse Authority (FORA) seeks to prequalify a pool of Hazardous Material and Building Removal Contracting firms (Contractors) from which to solicit bids for the FORA Building Removal Obligations on the former Fort Ord. Firms selected as ‘Prequalified’ will be given the opportunity to submit bids for Building Removal Projects.  Building removal projects may include:

  1. Seaside’s Surplus II Hazardous Material and Building Removal.
  2. The City of Seaside has requested FORA to remove buildings on parcels transferred to the City’s ownership from the U.S. Army. FORA is obligated to spend up to $5.5M on staff coordination, engineering, construction management, biological species control, hazardous material removal, building removal, and final site closeout.  The buildings are former military barracks, armories, administrative buildings and cafeterias built between 1950 and 1980. Hazardous Materials have been identified in the buildings. For more information including Industrial Hygienist Reports see the FORA website

  3. Marina’s Stockade Hazardous Material and Building Removal.
  4. FORA is obligated to remove the former Fort Ord Stockade and Ancillary buildings.  Hazardous Materials have been identified in the buildings. For more information including Industrial Hygienist Reports see the FORA website

  5. Other Hazardous Material and Building Removal.
  6. Other prospective building removal projects may be identified in the future by the FORA Board. Also, the City of Marina or Seaside, the Marina Coast Water District, the Transportation Agency for Monterey County, Chartwell School or another public agency or private group may enter an agreement with FORA to conduct additional Fort Ord building removal activities.

Selection will be made on the basis of the application and qualifications as outlined in this request. FORA will identify the selected Contractors in a timely manner and issue bid documents shortly thereafter. In responding to this RFQ, all Proposers are required to adhere to all of FORA’s requirements (see materials under the “ATTACHMENTS” section below). Proposers shall possess a Class ‘A’ contractor’s license or a Class ‘B’ license with a combination of Specialty Class ‘C21’ and ‘C22’ licenses sufficient to cover all of the work to be performed under the awarded contract. All applicants must have a current Department of Industrial Relations Registration Number.

Responding to this Request for Qualifications
Schedule of Events

Issue Request for Qualification


Mandatory Pre-Prequalification Conference @ FORA Offices

3:00pm  PST 04/04/2018

Deadline To Submit Questions & Clarifications

5:00pm PST  04/06/2018

Clarifications, Modifications and/or Answers posted on FORA website

5:00pm PST  04/10/2018

Prequalification submittal Due Date and Time

5:00pm PST  04/13/2018

Posting of Prequalified Proposers on FORA website (estimated)

5:00pm PST  04/23/2018

Intent to Issue Bids (estimated)


Intent to Open Bids (estimated)


Intent to Issue Notice to Proceed (estimated)


FORA has developed the schedule of events with dates showing the key events in this process. The RFQ and schedule are subject to change, and FORA does not send notifications of changes to this RFQ or the schedule to prospective Proposers and is not responsible for failure of any Proposer to receive notification of any change in a timely manner. Proposers are advised to visit this webpage frequently to check for changes and updates to the RFQ, including the Schedule.


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