FORA has performed a comprehensive reassessment of its 1997 Base Reuse
Plan (BRP) to evaluate progress toward implementing the BRP and explore options related to current and future needs. The FORA Board formally received the reassessment report in December 2012.
In February and March 2013, FORA held two “Post-Reassessment” Board workshops to establish priorities for policy action items. FORA Board Chair Jerry Edelen appointed a Post Reassessment Advisory Committee (PRAC) at the March 2013 workshop. The PRAC, composed of seven Board members, reviewed Category I and Category IV items identified in the reassessment report.
As an initial step, the PRAC recommended that FORA and CSUMB host the December 2013 Fort Ord Colloquium. After a successful colloquium event, at its February 13, 2014 meeting, the FORA Board:
1) extended the charge of the PRAC through calendar year 2014, with a goal of forwarding priority recommendations to the Board in May or June 2014, and 2) approved an amended Post Reassessment Work Plan.
The Reassessment Report can also be download in sections here:
- Cover and Table of Contents
- Section 1: Introduction
- Section 2: Requirements
- Section 3: Topics and Options
- Appendix A Final Scoping Report
- Appendix B Final Market Report
- Appendix C Comment Letters
- Appendix D Reassessment Report Errata
- Appendix E Miscellaneous Documentation
- Draft Document (Wednesday, October 17, 2012)