The Fort Ord Reuse Authority (FORA)
"When FORA Goes Away" by Jerry Bowden

Executive Officer's Message
The Fort Ord Reuse Authority is concluding its 26-year effort to oversee the Monterey bay regional economic recovery from the closure of the Fort Ord Army installation.
In that time period significant accomplishment have been achieved. While many might wish for additional or different outcomes, it is appropriate to reflect on what has been accomplished through our grand experiment converting swords to plowshares.
What has been accomplished could not have happened without the dedication and leadership of generations of elected leaders, engaged community members and advocacy groups, legions of consultants and legal experts, and a small dedicated team of professional staff.
Josh Metz, Executive Officer
In Rememberance
Salinas Mayor and Fort Ord Reuse Authority ("FORA") Board member Joe Gunter departed this life peacefully on June 29, 2020 - after 50+ years of an achievement-filled
lifetime of family, military, public and educational service. Joe served the Monterey Region in many leadership positions, including; City of Salinas Mayor, President of the Salinas AirShow, California Rodeo Board Member, Public
Safety Officer and 8-year FORA Board member.
In support of Former Fort Ord reuse, Mayor Gunter served on the FORA Board for eight years, including four years as FORA Finance Committee Chair, four years on the Legislative Committee, six years on the Executive Committee. Joe provided instrumental support for the Fort Ord Base Reuse Plan, Economic Development Conveyance Agreement, and FORA Capital Improvement Program. He always emphasized economic development, and creating jobs for all Monterey Bay citizenry.
In addition, Joe Gunter served in the United States Marine Corps and offered significant advocacy for Monterey Bay veterans and the work of the FORA Veterans Issues Advisory Committee, and effectively worked with national and state legislative and appointed leadership for the creation of the California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery and other veterans’ programs. He was known for steadfastly maintaining a sense of equitability in all opportunities throughout his personal and professional life.
On behalf of the Fort Ord Reuse Authority, on our last day of existence under State Law, we as FORA staff and family extend best wishes and condolences to Lisa and the Gunter family, and our sincerest gratitude to them for sharing Mayor Joe. His extraordinary contributions and exemplary commitment to the reuse of former Fort Ord and to the well-being of the whole Monterey Bay region will benefit us all for years to come.
Former Fort Ord Army Base Recognized with EPA Superfund Site Reuse Award
April 30, 2020
SAN FRANCISCO - Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognized the former Fort Ord Army Base with a "National Federal Facility
Excellence in Site Reuse" award. These awards recognize innovative thinking and cooperation among federal agencies, states, tribes, local partners and developers that has led to noteworthy restoration and reuse of federal
facility Superfund sites. "For the past three years, we've shown how federal facility Superfund sites can be transformed into community assets," said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. "I'm proud of the work to address and
redevelop these sites." "We are pleased to recognize the dynamic cooperation among the U.S. Army and local partners to clean up this federal facility and return it to productive use," said EPA Regional Administrator John
Busterud. "This is a unique Superfund cleanup in that the Army early-on in the process transferred approximately 3,340 acres of the former base to the Fort Ord Reuse Authority to complete the cleanup on behalf of the Army.
With a significant federal grant, the Reuse Authority was able to accelerate the pace of cleanup, allowing this part of the site to be made available for public reuse sooner than would have been otherwise possible."

Online Symposium: Innovation & Recovery
October 19-23, 2020
The 2nd Annual Monterey Bay Drone, Automation & Robotics Technology (DART) Symposium will be held at Online during the week of Oct 19-23, 2020. The Symposium will feature a week of compelling talks, workshops, networking and inspiration. This world-class event will build on the momentum generated at the first Symposium, highlight cutting edge technologies being used and developed to address some of our greatest challenges, and place a hard focus on economic recovery from the COVID-19 driven economic downturn . The Symposium will feature leading edge innovators, university researchers, entrepreneurs, investors and growth companies active in and around the Monterey Bay region developing and deploying solutions in human mobility, public safety, homeland security, national defense, agriculture and natural resource management, marine science and conservation.
Please email any suggestions or focus topics of interest to We'll be updating this list regularly, as well as the DART website:
Sponsor & Exhibit Opportunities DART Website