Stockade Hazardous Material and Building Removal
The Fort Ord Reuse Authority (FORA) will receive sealed lump sum bid proposals for furnishing all labor, equipment and materials for the Hazardous Material and Building Removal of the former Fort Ord Military Stockade and ancillary buildings in the City of Marina.
The work has three phases 1) the removal of hazardous materials not including tenacious asbestos skim coat (or wall plaster) unique to Fort Ord Buildings, 2) the removal of tenacious asbestos skim coat (or wall plaster), and 3) the demolition and removal of the buildings. Each phase will have its own start date and the start is dependent upon FORA funding availability and approval. FORA has funds to complete phase 1. Because funding for phase 2 and 3 is not available at this time, phase 2 and 3 will have separate mobilization and demobilization line items which will be treated as additive or subtractive options depending on the time of FORA approvals. The lowest lump sum for all three phases will be awarded the contract. FORA member agencies may utilize the qualifications for future work and may add change orders to the contract on a time and material basis or by negotiated “not to exceed” contract amendments.
Bids were received on November 14, 2019. Notice of Intent to Award was released on December 11, 2019. On March 19, 2020, letter of Rejection of All Bids was released and sent to all bidders.